Masjid Asy-Syakirin – KLCC

Kate at KLCC Sep 2012

When William and Kate visited Malaysia in September they were taken to see the Masjid Asy-Syakirin. Presumably the central location of this mosque next to Kuala Lumpur’s twin towers fitted in well with other engagements on their itinerary. It also gave the royal couple the chance to do a quick walkabout in KLCC park (from where I took this photo) and allowed the waiting public the opportunity to catch a glimpse of them.

I went along to KLCC yesterday to take a look at this mosque whose name comes from the Arabic for ‘The Thankful’.

Masjid Asy Syakirin

The mosque was built in the 1990s with a colour scheme that matches the surrounding buildings.

The design of the pillars reminded me of the old Dubai airport terminal of the 1970s.

Old Dubai Airport 1970s

Under the canopy of the mosque there are vast expanses of marble tiling and a number of people were sitting on the floor and enjoying this cool and calm oasis.


The glass skylights have been cleverly designed to create the illusion of an Islamic horseshoe arch.
